Friday 28 May 2021

Cross country Day

 Konnichiwa, Today Room 24 had Cross Country. We did really good! I came 2 place and Jasmine came 1 place then Dayelle came 3 place. We had lots of fun. The run was 1.44 k. I was really hot I could not walk for ages but I had to any way. I loved it, I got 2 certificates. I ran in the year 5 team. I was really exited. The Cross Country was at Owairaka Park.

Do you love running?
Blog you later!

This is a photo of me almost at the finish line!

Friday 21 May 2021

Webcam Toy Teaching By Lucy

Yesterday me and Aoibheann teached 2 sessons for our toolkit. And here is two photos of us. This type of photo is called comic. This was in room 23 well we were teaching How to use webcam toy. 

Maybe you can take some wacky photos and you can take some with your friends and family.

Can you take a awesome photo? 

Book creator By Lucy

Yesterday I went to Room 23 and some kids from another school came and teached us how to make a book or a comic. I made a comic and it is called Revenges By Lucy and it took twenty minutes to make one chapter. The book is like the Avengers but Revenges so the super hero's lost they revenge back to the Avengers. Here is my book. 

Can you make a book or a comic on Book Creator?

Friday 7 May 2021

Riper Rugby By Lucy

On Wednesday Room 24 did riper rugby. We learnt 2 games at the session. One of them was called Rats and Rabbets. Then after that game we played ripper rugby and the score was that the red team got none and the blue team got 15. It was really fun!

What game would you like to play?

By Lucy