Thursday 21 October 2021

We are learning to make a quality blog post #1

Bonjour Bloggers, 

Today I am sharing a slide that teaches me how to make a quality blog post.
I have learned that you need to make a unique title and you need a description of what you have learnt or what you are learning. So I helped John to make his blog post a quality blog post. Here is the learning for today! 😁


  1. Ahiahi marie Lucy, thank you for sharing your Quality Blog Post slide on to your blog. Well done for making John's blog post a quality one by adding a title, a description of the learning, and adding some labels too.I can also see that you have included most of those elements to your own blog post too. What labels do you think you could have added to your own post?

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  3. Fakaalofa lahi atu Lucy, great to see you blogging again this term. Well done on writing a clear introduction to your blog post. There is a lot of important information in the slides about how to make a quality blog post - it's a great read. What do you find challenging when making a blog post?
