Thursday 9 December 2021

NASA picture colouring From the Summer Learning Journey

 Kia Ora Bloggers, 

Today I am sharing a NASA colouring page that I have done on Art Colouring Book Edition. Here is what I coloured in!  Have you used the Art Colouring Book Before?

Blog you later! Lucy

Here is the link to the Art Colouring Book!  Art Colouring Book Link

This is what I coloured in!

And this was the original!

Tuesday 16 November 2021

Bird Narrative By Lucy

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a slide with you. On the slide we had to write a story about our bird but first we had to plan our story with the characters and then we had to put the story together and make it about 100 words. 

Have you described your bird of the year before?

Blog you later! Lucy

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Write and describe By Lucy

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a slide with you where i have described 2 photo's of a Rifleman with adverbs, verbs and adjectives. I have also fixed some sick sentences and made them better. After that there is a slide that we had to finish the story. 

Have you described your bird or ( Bat) of the year?

Blog you later! Lucy

Monday 8 November 2021

My bird of the year fact file By Lucy

Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a slide with you that has a whole lot of facts about the Rifleman. And it also has a bunch of things like What is the rifleman's habitat or what do they eat ( Diet). And also We had to make a slide or an poster about your bird or ( bat) and make a poster about it and decorate it. 

What bird did you vote or choose for the bird of the year?

Blog you later! Lucy 

Animal fact file poster By Lucy

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a poster with you that I have made on slides. It has some facts about their diet and their habitat. This is one of the tasks that we had to do and I have made it about my bird of the year, the Rifleman. 

What is a fun fact about Rifleman's that you would like me to share next time?

Blog you later? Lucy

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Label and describe slide By Lucy

Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a slide with you that is about labelling your bird (or bat) by it;s body parts. And also describing them. 

Have you done something like this before?
Blog you later! Lucy

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Sourcing Information By Lucy

Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a slide with you that is 'Sourcing Information'. It is what you think is true or not true online. Like going on a website and you think that the facts are real just because it's a website but you have to double check on other websites to confirm if it's true or not. 

Have you done something like this before?

Blog you later! Lucy


Monday 1 November 2021

My Rifleman Armour

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a google drawing with you that has my Rifleman bird on it with armour that I created. It has tail and tummy, upper body and also head armour. There are labels pointing to the pieces of armour. I hope you like it and enjoying what I have created!

Have you created armour before?

Blog you later! Lucy

Bird of the year! #1

Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a slide with you that has my chosen bird on it. My chosen bird of the year is the Rifleman. They are so cute and they are ready to rule the world (if they could).

What is your chosen bird of the year?

Blog you later! Lucy


Friday 29 October 2021

Evaluating Media Slide! By Lucy

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a slide with you that I had to answer True or Fake photo images. I thought they were all fake. 

Have you ever done something like this before?

Evaluating Media Poster! By Lucy

Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a poster with you that you which you can comment below on and tell me if you think it is fake or true. 

Have you done something like this before?


Thursday 28 October 2021

My Media poster

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a poster that I made on Canvas. It is about what I have seen that is Media in the past 24 hours. 

What have you seen that is Media in the past 24 hours?

Blog you later! Lucy 


Wednesday 27 October 2021

What is Media? By Lucy

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a slide about 'What is Media". 

Media is communication like radio, T.V, newspaper, magazines, and the Internet (news feed, Google, Instagram, Facebook, News hub and Blogs, etc). What do you think Media is? 


My poster about me

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing some work that I have done. I have made a poster about some things I love. This was a task from yesterday. What do you like? Stay safe, be kind! Lucy


Tuesday 26 October 2021

Things that we shouldn't share online or on blogs!

Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I want to share what I think we shouldn't share online or on blogs. 

We shouldn't share:  Where we live, our phone numbers, our last names, passwords to our accounts or Chromebooks and personal information. 

What else do you think we shouldn't share online?

Blog you later! Lucy


Friday 22 October 2021

Replying to comments #1

 Kia Ora bloggers, 

Today I am sharing 'replying to comments'. What I had to do was reply to Johns comment by adding a thank you, an answer and also a question. 

Blog you later! Lucy


Thursday 21 October 2021

We are learning to make a quality blog post #1

Bonjour Bloggers, 

Today I am sharing a slide that teaches me how to make a quality blog post.
I have learned that you need to make a unique title and you need a description of what you have learnt or what you are learning. So I helped John to make his blog post a quality blog post. Here is the learning for today! 😁

Friday 24 September 2021

Toolkit By Lucy

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a toolkit that was one of the activity's on the board. 

I have made a slide on how to make tutu for my toolkit. It is hard and easy at the same time. But the most important thing while you're making it is you need a lot of patience. 

Have you made something out of scarp things in your house?

Blog you later! Lucy

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Birthday Surprise ( Children's Book)

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing a children's book that I have made on google slides. The books is called Birthday Surprise. 

This book is about a little boy called Peter and he has an amazing surprise present that ends up very big. He says "This is the best present in my whole life." I hope you enjoy this lovely book for kids.

Have you made a book before? Blog you later! Lucy

Monday 13 September 2021

Past and future Volcanoes Monday 13 September

 Kia Ora bloggers, 

Today I am sharing a poem. The type of poem it is called is Haiku.

This Haiku poem is based on a type of volcano that you can guess what type I am describing. And I am not allowed to tell you. Do you know what a Haiku is?

Blog you later! Lucy

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Past and Future Volcanoes #2

 Kia Ora Bloggers, 

Today I am sharing the second slide of Fast and Future Volcanoes. This one is a bit different because there are only 5 slides. 

On this slide there is a part where you can put some things that you would take on an emergency escape from Auckland when a volcano was about to erupt. 

What would you take if you were escaping Auckland? Blog you later! Lucy

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Past and Future Volcanoes

 Kia Ora Bloggers, 

Today I am sharing a slide to learn the meaning of volcano types and some volcano word meanings. 

First we had to search what the meaning was then write it down. It took me about 5 hours all together to do these slides. After we finished those slides we had to do describe some volcanoes with Nouns, Adverbs, Verbs and Adjectives. I hope you enjoy learning the meaning for volcano words. 

What's you favourite Volcano type? Blog you later! Lucy

Monday 6 September 2021

Volcanoes Slide #5

 Kia Ora Bloggers, 

Today I am sharing some work with you and it includes my News Hub report.  It is about a girl got saved by a phoenix before Mt Eden erupted again. 

This lockdown we have been learning about Volcanoes and now I am an expert about them now. This slide includes a task that you write a story then create a scene about the story.  I did a report and a video but the video could not get on the slide.  Enjoy reading my story and hearing the news about it. 

Have done something like this before? Blog you later!


Thursday 2 September 2021

Volcanoes in Auckland? Slide 4

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing some more things about Volcanoes. 

There is a link onto Google Earth which you can go onto and you can explore 5 types of volcanoes in Auckland. The 5 Volcanoes are Mt Eden, One Tree Hill, Rangitoto Island, Owairaka and Mt Roskill. 

Then if you click present you will be able to have a tour of the Volcanoes. 

What volcano do you live near? Blog you later! Lucy


Monday 30 August 2021

My News Paper

 Kia Ora Bloggers, 

Today I am sharing a news paper that is based on a volcanoes. 

I have made this with my skills of being a reporter. This news paper is mostly about volcanoes and Rangitoto. And did you know that there is 50 volcanoes in Auckland. 

Do you have any cool facts about volcanoes?

Blog you later! Lucy


Friday 27 August 2021

Do all volcanoes look the same? Friday 27th By Lucy

 Kia Ora bloggers,

Today I am sharing some work with you. It is about volcanoes.

This is a slide like the others but writing and drawing and also labelling.

Here is the slide that I have been working on. 

Have you done something like this before? Blog you later! Lucy


Thursday 26 August 2021

Building in Lock down By Lucy

 Kia Ora Bloggers, 

Today I am sharing some work that I have done with my whole family. 

We made some tool boxes that you could put anything in. Marcus, Neena and I made our own tool boxes but my mum helped Marcus because all he could do is hammer my mums arm and hands. I was the last one because I have never made something with wood before but my sister and Marcus finished before me. About 5 minutes behind. But I finished it!!!!

Have you ever done woodwork before? Blog you later! Lucy

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Auckland and Beyond By Lucy

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today I am sharing some work that I have finished.

This is a slide with some questions. These questions are asking me some things about me like what do I like, and what's my favourite smell?. This is some work that room 24 has been doing!

Have you done anything like this before? Blog you later! Lucy


Where I would like to visit in the whole world?

 Kia Ora bloggers,

Today, I am sharing some work with you that I have done. 

This is a poster of where in the world I would like to visit! The place that I would most like to go to is Disneyland because it has the best rides and it has a palace which you go through and there is Disney Characters that I would love to see. 

What place would you go to if you could go any where? Blog you later! Lucy

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Do all Volcano's look the same? ( Lucy)

 Kia Ora bloggers, 

Today I am sharing my slide of Do all Volcano's look the same?
Well they don't, because there are a lot of different volcano's and different shapes.  There are cinder cones, lava domes, shields and composite. 
In this slide you are going to learn a whole new lot of things.  And this is our science that room 24 is doing in lockdown. I thought that volcano's were just mountains, but then I researched them with my mum and I got to understand them a lot more.

Do you have some more things or tips on next time?

Blog you later! Lucy


Friday 20 August 2021

My park design

Kia Ora bloggers, 

I am sharing some lockdown work that I have been working on. This is a park design that I have made on google Drawings. This took me about half and hour to make. It took me a long time to get things in my mind that could go onto the drawing. After a while it looked like a rainbow park. 

What would you put in a park, if you could make your own?
Blog you later!

Thursday 19 August 2021

Day 1 ( Lockdown slide)

Kia Ora bloggers

Here is a slide of my first day of lockdown learning. I have put on the slide some learning and you can see that I have done the Zombie Snail for my writing, but also I have done it on paper for brain storming.  And there will be a slide for writing, reading and also math. I have been doing my basic math book and I am going to start a math coloring solving thing that my mum will print.

What are you learning?

Blog you later! Lucy

Zombie Snails


Here are some things about how a snail turns into a Zombie Snail.

  1.  A zombie snail is a normal snail that has been infected by a parasite worm.

  2.  The parasite takes over the snail and turns it’s eyestalks into big bulging stalks.

  3.  Birds think they are maggots and eat them.

  4.  The parasite grows in there tummy then they poop it out.

  5.  Normal snails all like to eat bird poop. So they eat the infected bird poo and become Zombie Snails.


The cycle continues!!!

Zombie Snails Are a Real Thing... - Bloody Disgusting

Friday 13 August 2021


Kia Orana bloggers, This Week is maths week! Maths week is a bit different for every class but in room 24 we do the chase like on TV but a bit easier and we don't get timed but we can't take 5 or 10 minutes to answer the question. Most people would and should know the chase I know it but my parents don't watch it. Every day this week we had to answer a question as maths week is and then it goes into a prize draw and any one can get pulled out. And then after that our class Room 24 dose the Chase! We answer the questions then we see how many we got right. After that we do the real thing and we see if we get the money or we get caught by the chase. But we don't get the money sadly. 

How many questions do you think are in the chase?
Blog you later!


Friday 6 August 2021

The Present By Lucy

Spelling Help!!

My post for my blog : The present!!

Kia Orana Bloggers, Today I am sharing my Present story. I have written a lot and we had to do a 100 word challenge of the story. I found it really interesting and challenging because the first time when I made the story it had about 136 words in it and I had to get rid of 36 words. The story is based on a dog who never would get of the couch and never stop playing his video games. I am learning to change sick sentences to wow words and adjectives, Nouns, Verbs and adverbs. 

Do you like my story?

Blog you later!


Friday 30 July 2021

My Art By Lucy


 Kia Ora Bloggers, Here I have some Art that I have been working on for a while. It looks a bit crazy and fall but I really like it. On my Art it says my name,what street I live on, where I was born and the City where I am living near or what City I live in. It has lots of colours on it and designs. It took a long time to make. i did not use pens I only used pencil. I really liked making this maybe you could try making this. And I also love doing Art!

Have you made something like this?

Do you have any tips for me that I could do next time?


Friday 9 July 2021

My story of Wairaka By Lucy

 Kia Ora Bloggers, Today I am sharing a slide that I made. It will be telling my version of The Story Of Wairaka. This is part of Oral Language and Reading. It was hard at first but then I was able to tell it in my own words by my self. So here is a slide that you are about to read and learn The Story of Wairaka.

Have you learnt the story of Wairaka?                                                                                                                Lucy

Tuesday 6 July 2021

What am I?


When I am young I am tall

When I am old I am short

What am I?

Wednesday 30 June 2021

My 24 hour footprint slide BY Lucy

Kia Ora bloggers, Today I am posting this 24 hour footprint slide because I want to share my learning with you. In sybersmart lessons that I have been doing at school I have made my footprint and how to keep safe online. One thing you should never share your details online because other people can see and fave call you or hack. Details are like your last name or phone number or even where you live. Like your street name and your house number and also where you growed up. DON'T SHARE YOUR DETAILS ON FACE BOOK OR INSTER GRAM!

Have you ever shared you details?

Blog you later!   Lucy

My 24 hour footprint Island By Lucy

Kia Ora bloggers, Today I have made a Island that has what I have been on in a few days. I have learnt a lot in sybersmart lessons and here are some things that I want to show you. You should never share privet information like your phone number your last name your details and where you live or what house number. Also on Face book or twitter you should always check that you don't have your details on your phone laptop or iPad. Here is a goggle drawing of my 24 Hour footprint Island. 

What do you think?


Do you think I am right?

Blog you later!  Lucy

Friday 25 June 2021

My Culture Unity Slide

 Kia Ora bloggers, I have made a Culture unity slide. I have learned a lot of things about Ireland. It was a bit hard to find some facts and understand them. And I have made this slide on google slides. I hope after you have read this slide about Ireland you will learn some things or mostly you learn the hole slide. It has been a challenge trying to get some facts and learn them. I am really proud of my Animation bit. The animation is about a dance competition and there might be some surprises in it. 

What was the favourite thing about my culture unity slide?


Friday 18 June 2021

My Fresh & Smooth Poster By Lucy

Kia Ora, I have made a poster about Fresh & Smooth and I want to share it with you guys. I think that the whole school has done and awesome job for the school production ( Fresh & Smooth.) And most of all a big thanks to our leaders Poppy, Samantha and also Zac they have done a awesome job of being Fresh or Smooth out through the show. And Fresh & Smooth has been around rough and tough times travailing around Aoteroa. 
What was your favourite dance out of all the production?
Blog you later! 

Friday 28 May 2021

Cross country Day

 Konnichiwa, Today Room 24 had Cross Country. We did really good! I came 2 place and Jasmine came 1 place then Dayelle came 3 place. We had lots of fun. The run was 1.44 k. I was really hot I could not walk for ages but I had to any way. I loved it, I got 2 certificates. I ran in the year 5 team. I was really exited. The Cross Country was at Owairaka Park.

Do you love running?
Blog you later!

This is a photo of me almost at the finish line!

Friday 21 May 2021

Webcam Toy Teaching By Lucy

Yesterday me and Aoibheann teached 2 sessons for our toolkit. And here is two photos of us. This type of photo is called comic. This was in room 23 well we were teaching How to use webcam toy. 

Maybe you can take some wacky photos and you can take some with your friends and family.

Can you take a awesome photo? 

Book creator By Lucy

Yesterday I went to Room 23 and some kids from another school came and teached us how to make a book or a comic. I made a comic and it is called Revenges By Lucy and it took twenty minutes to make one chapter. The book is like the Avengers but Revenges so the super hero's lost they revenge back to the Avengers. Here is my book. 

Can you make a book or a comic on Book Creator?

Friday 7 May 2021

Riper Rugby By Lucy

On Wednesday Room 24 did riper rugby. We learnt 2 games at the session. One of them was called Rats and Rabbets. Then after that game we played ripper rugby and the score was that the red team got none and the blue team got 15. It was really fun!

What game would you like to play?

By Lucy

Friday 16 April 2021

Lucy's Digital dig slide

Here is my Digital dig slide about some shortcuts on your cromebook or your computer. And these are shortcuts instead of doing the really long way. What shortcuts did you try?

Friday 9 April 2021

Webcam instructions By Lucy and Aoibheann

Hello, Here is a slide about how you use Webcam. And Webcam for a fact is so cool that it will beat normal camera. What is your favroute type of photo?

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Top tips!

This is my top tips for your Chromebook!
Do you have any top tips?
Blog you later!
By lucy

Friday 12 March 2021

My doodle art

 Hi, this is my doodle art. And it is my hand shape this art doesn't take long.

What you need :


black or any colour pen

What doodle art can you do?


Tuesday 9 March 2021

Friday 5 March 2021

Thursday 4 March 2021

The sister's fort

 Hi, just before lockdown Neena and I bought a fort off Trade Me. We looked at it and said we need to paint this to look more WOW, so we did.  Here are some pictures below. 

If you could paint something in your back yard what would you paint?

Screenshot queen

Hi, one of our tasks today was we needed to take a lot of screenshots and these are my one's.

TIP:  make sure when you take a screenshot you cut out the things you want or don't want in it.   

If you knew how to take a screenshot what would you take it of?

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Baking in lockdown

Hi, today my sister and I baked gluten free Weet-Bix slice.  My little brother and my sister have coeliac disease so we have to use different baking stuff.  It was yum!

What you need:

  • 5x gluten free weet-bix
  • 1 1/2 cups gluten free flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 3/4 cup gluten free coconut
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon golden syrup
  • 150g butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
How to make it:
  • Mix Weet-bix, flour, baking powder, cocoa and coconut together in a bowl.
  • Put sugar, golden syrup and butter n a pot and simmer until the sugar is dissolved.
  • Stir through vanilla essence.
  • Pour the liquid blend into the dry ingredients and mix together.
  • Press into a 20cmx 30cm lined baking dish.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees until firm
  • Ice with chocolate icing while still warm.

Have you done any baking during level 3?

My Art

 Hi, I did some art on Art Coloring Book and this is the one that I chose. I really like the colours and the design. 

What design would you do?


My Money tree description

 Hi, I have created an endangered tree called The Magical Money Tree.

The money tree is blue with money on it, it sounds like chirping birds and it smells like cotton candy. The money tree grows in secret places around the world.



Would you like my tree growing in your backyard?

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Insect Introduction

Hi, the insect that I most want to meet is a dragonfly.  They are so colourful, and so pretty, and their wings are so beautiful. 

What is the insect that you would like to meet?

Would you like to meet my insect? 

Sharks By Lucy

 I learnt about sharks in lockdown and here are some facts below.

  1. Most sharks have 5 rows of teeth.
  2. Can have as meany as 3,000 teeth at a time.
  3. But they can lose up to 100 teeth a day.
  4. There are over 500 species of sharks.
  5. The smallest shark is the size of a human hand.
  6. And the biggest shark is 12 meters long.
  7. Sharks have been around for 400,000,000 years what a lot of years.
  8. Sharks have no bones. 
What other things would you like to learn about sharks?

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Space facts


On  Tuesday I did a topic about space and here are some facts that I learnt.

What is a topic that you want learn about?

Tuesday 16 February 2021

My backyard scavenger hunt

 Today I completed the scavenger hunt but some things I could not find. I found a leaf, something fuzzy, a rock, something green, a bug, something prickly, a weed, a stick, a flower, an ant, and something man made.

Did you do the backyard scavenger hunt? What did you find?


Friday 12 February 2021

My holiday

In the holidays my favourite thing was visiting the Hamilton gardens with my family. There are about 16 gardens and all of them are my favourites but this one was my most favourite. What was your favourite thing in your school holiday?

Monday 8 February 2021



Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.